How to make the most of the new search tool…

Search Unleashed tries to be as simple as possible for users performing searches and does not present a complicated set of search options. Instead a search is performed across all indexed data, and can be made using a similar syntax to what is used in popular search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Wildcards are supported through a *, but only when ‘full text’ searching is enabled (it is!):


will find all words that start with ‘haz’.

Words can marked as required or prohibited using + and – :


means the word ‘purple’ must exist.


means the word ‘barnes’ must not exist.

An exact phrase can be included by wrapping the phrase in quotes:

'purple haze'

Logical inclusion also works:

haze AND purple

is the same as

+haze +purple

Here both ‘haze’ and ‘purple’ must exist.

Unlike some other plugins, Search Unleashed allows you to search for words smaller than four characters in length.

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